Core to the fundamental dealing with adversity is the fact that you identify it and know that you are dealing with an adverse situation.

Once identified a course of action can be programmed into the brain that promises the path of least resistance. Often the brain can trick itself to go off in the wrong route at a sub conscious level and it is the job of our conscious minds to bring ourselves back to earth.

Step 1: Gain Calm dont enter a situation where by the sub conscious negative energies rules you.

Step 2: Identify your objectives for life, and work these back to your objectives for the situation. Starting at the fundament of life if it is best to move on from an adverse situation its important to learn when and why to do that, as well as balance out the positives and negatives.

Step 3: Put across your point of view as well as possible, try and be balanced. Remembering there are three sides to every story the first what you believe, the second what the other person believes and the third the truth, always try to identify the truth, there is no value in one party getting more injured than another, and often such settlements lead to further animosity.

Step 4: Try to remove animosity and gain rapport, whether the relationship is to continue or not you need to leave with mutual respect and rapport. Ideally able to mutually support each other in the future.

Whatever happens its important that the first step is revisited often and the aim of the argument is to properly define the truth. Without a clear mind at all stages often discussions can break down.

The world is an amazing place and while in a state of argumental flux the light of the scenario is blocked out, so its important that the individual gets out from under the clouds as quickly as is possible.

Lets make the world a better place whether together or separately and lets encourage others to make it amazing in their own rights.